PTI Punjab President Yasmin Rashid was discharged from Lahore’s Services Hospital on Sunday after doctors were allegedly “pressured” by a senior police officer to release her and send her back to jail, according to her lawyer, Rana Mudassar.

Yasmin Rashid, who has been imprisoned for almost a year in connection with multiple cases related to the May 9, 2023, riots, was hospitalised on Wednesday after falling ill in Kot Lakhpat Jail. Her hospitalization was attributed to a lack of timely medical treatment.

On May 12 last year, Rashid was initially detained under the Maintenance of Public Order Ordinance following countrywide protests and riots sparked by the arrest of former Prime Minister Imran Khan. She was re-arrested the following day for her alleged involvement in the riots.

Rana Mudassar, Rashid’s lawyer, claimed that her discharge from the hospital was the result of undue pressure exerted by a senior police officer on the medical staff. He emphasized that Rashid had not fully recovered and that her release from the hospital was premature and politically motivated.

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The events of May 9, 2023, which saw widespread protests and riots across Pakistan, led to numerous arrests and legal actions against PTI members and supporters. Rashid’s ongoing legal and health issues have been a focal point in the broader context of the political turmoil surrounding the PTI and its leadership.

As the situation unfolds, concerns about the treatment of political detainees and the influence of law enforcement on medical decisions continue to be a topic of significant public and political discourse in Pakistan.