Saudi Crown Prince and US National Security Adviser Discuss Strategic Agreements in Dhahran

Prince Mohammed bin Salman, Saudi Arabia’s de facto ruler, met with US National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan in Dhahran to discuss a “semi-final” version of strategic agreements between the two countries, according to official Saudi media reports on Sunday.

The high-level meeting is a significant step in Washington’s efforts to encourage Riyadh to recognize the state of Israel, a diplomatic move that has been complicated by the ongoing military conflict in Gaza.

During their discussions, Prince Mohammed and Sullivan reviewed the nearly completed draft of the strategic agreements, highlighting the progress made in strengthening the bilateral relationship. The agreements are seen as a crucial part of the US strategy to bolster ties with Saudi Arabia and promote regional stability.

In addition to the strategic agreements, the two leaders also addressed the Palestinian issue, focusing on finding a credible path towards a two-state solution. This discussion is particularly relevant given the heightened tensions and humanitarian crisis in Gaza, which have added complexity to the diplomatic landscape in the Middle East.

The meeting underscores the continued collaboration between Saudi Arabia and the United States on key regional issues and the shared commitment to working towards lasting peace and security in the region.

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